February 1999
v1, n3






The Neighborhood Conservation Committee will present its draft report to the Association on Wednesday, January 27 in the Multipurpose Room of the Arlington Traditional School, located at 855 N. Edison Street. The Draft Report is the result of work that began last spring and is part of the County process that ultimately determines eligibility for funding for neighborhood conservation projects. This effort involved the compilation of surveys that were distributed throughout the Association and included follow-up committee work, which required a walk-through of the neighborhoods to assess the condition of parks, commercial areas, in-fill development, traffic, and neighborhood infrastructure.

Your comments and concerns, as voiced at this meeting, will allow the report to be finalized. Once approved, the plan will aid in determining what projects will be proposed for NC funding. The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM. Your input is needed.

The Metro Station Nearest You

Could Be Getting Closer

We are in the process of scheduling a presentation on County plans for a western entrance to the Ballston Metro Station. The entrance would be located near the current intersection of N. Vermont St. and Fairfax Dr. Neighborhood issues include the impact on traffic if a "Kiss and Ride" is included and added pressures for zoning changes that could accompany a new entrance. The date and time of the presentation will be announced.

March 24 General Membership Meeting Topic: Stream Ecology and 4-Mile Run

Cliff Fairweather of the Audubon Society will talk on the ecology of 4-Mile Run and lead an Interpretive Walk along the stream on Saturday, May 5 from 2 to 4 PM, (May 15 will be the rain date). The March 24 meeting will be held at the Arlington Traditional School Multipurpose Room starting at 7:00 PM.

We’re in Trouble

Actually, we’re broke. After a busy fall season, we find ourselves without enough money to finish the year. The problem is, even though we’re operating well within the budget that was approved last September, 30% of last year’s members have yet to pay this year’s dues and new members have not been able to make the difference.

This is particularly troubling since everyone we talk to has expressed approval of the initiatives that the Association has undertaken. As you know, we are close to completing the Neighborhood Conservation Plan (which will make us eligible for funds for neighborhood improvements), we have revived an old tradition by sponsoring the Annual Halloween Parade, and we have put the neighborhood on the map with local officials, a fact that is evidenced in little things like improvements to our parks and turn lanes on Wilson Boulevard.

So what can you do? First, please look on the mailing label of this newsletter. In the lower right hand corner of the label you should find the date your membership expires. If you have not paid your dues for the current fiscal year, which ends in June, please do so. If we have made a mistake in our records or if you have a question, please let us know. Dues are only $7. Second, ask a neighbor to join the Association. Chances are that most of your neighbors are not members. If all current members brought in one new member, we would be in excellent shape.

No doubt you’ve heard this all before from other organizations looking for new members. But this is different. The bottom-line in that your neighborhood benefits directly from your support. Everything we accomplish together has a direct impact on the quality of your life and the value of your property. Where some neighborhoods in Arlington have received over $1 million in Neighborhood Conservation money over the years, we have received $0 million. That kind of return on a $7 membership would cover dues for the entire Association for 50 years. We can’t operate unless neighbors work together. Please help out.

Proposed By-Laws Amendment

The Association Executive Board, at its January 13 meeting, voted unanimously in favor of a proposal which, if approved, would change the Association’s fiscal year to a calendar year and would increase membership dues from $7 to $12 per year. The Board’s recommendation will require a By-Laws Amendment.


Glebe Road Pedestrian Safety

The Association will be represented on the County’s ad hoc committee that will look into pedestrian safety along Glebe Road. Although the committee will focus on Glebe Rd. between N. Quincy St. and Washington Blvd., we intend to express our concerns regarding accessibility to Ballston from our neighborhoods along the Wilson Blvd. and Fairfax Dr. pedestrian walkways. We would like to pass on your observations and suggestions to the County. Please contact Gerry Procanick at 524-3763 with your comments.

A New Wilson Boulevard Townhouse Project

Potomac Builders is proposing building seven new townhouses at the southeast corner of Wilson Blvd. and N. Abingdon St. There is currently one unoccupied house on a portion of the proposed site and another parcel, owned by the County, would have to be purchased by the developer before the project could move forward. The developer, who is also building the townhouse project at N. Wakefield and Wilson Blvd., has requested Association support of the project. If you would like more information or would like to comment on the project, please contact any of the Association officers.

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