Nov 1999
vol2, no4





Bluemont Civic Association
PO Box 5134
Arlington, Virginia 22205

BCA Officers and Representatives

Bluemont's 4th Annual Halloween Parade

With 14 musicians from the Washington-Lee High School marching band leading the way, 176 youngsters in full Halloween regalia marched though Lacey Woods Park in true Bluemonster fashion at the 4th Annual Bluemont Civic Association Halloween Parade. This was by far the biggest and best Halloween Parade yet.

This year's judges were: Jay Fisette, Arlington County Board; Elaine Furlow, Arlington County School Board; Toni Hubbard, Director of Arlington County Parks and Recreation; Chief Edward Plaugher, Chief of the Arlington County Fire Department; Charlene Bickford, Chair of the Arlington County Democratic Committee; and Carl Hallinan, Bluemont Civic Association President. Prize categories for costumes included Spookiest, Most Unusual or Interesting, and Fanciest.

McGruff the Crime Dog stopped by to visit, there were refreshments and goodies, and no one went home empty-handed. The event also included stories and songs around the bonfire at the Fire Circle with this year's storyteller, Barbara Effron. We couldn't have asked for a more pleasant fall afternoon.

This year's sponsors were: The Book House, Harris Teeter, Michael's, Trader Joe's, Giant Foods, Safeway, Shoppers Food Warehouse, Gourmet Pizza Deli/Lost Dog Café, Two Chefs Pizza, Lazy Sundae, Morning Glory Farms, Heidleberg Bakery, Dominion Pet, National Wildlife Federation, Arlington County Libraries, Manassas Costco Warehouse, WETA, and Magpie Homewares & Gifts.

Many thanks to all of this year's Halloween Parade Volunteers. We're going to do it again next year!

Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Issues

Residents of Jefferson and Kensington and intersecting streets, between Carlin Springs and Wilson Boulevard, who are interested in pedestrian safety and traffic calming measures for these streets are encouraged to attend our next meeting at Arlington Traditional School on November 30 at 7:30 p.m. Please contact Bob Cwalina at 351-7203 or Maeve Taaffe at 527-9594 with questions or concerns.

Bluemont Action Leads to New Group on I-66 Widening

Over 100 Arlington residents, disturbed by proposals to break an earlier agreement concerning I-66 alterations, established the Arlington Coalition for Sensible Transportation (ACST). The Bluemont Civic Association played a major role in organizing the effort that resulted in establishment of this group, who's mission is to ensure that no changes are made to I-66 unless such changes are part of a comprehensive, regional transportation plan, and are made with community consensus. Its goals are to:

  • educate the public on facts pertaining to the various I-66 proposals and related issues;
  • ensure that the decision-making process includes local input;
  • identify options that address concerns of commuters and residents, preserve quality of life and community integrity, minimize impact on the environment, are viable for the entire region, and are cost-effective in the long term; and
  • forge community consensus and advocate implementation of these solutions, ensuring that they are part of comprehensive regional plans.

Carl Hallinan said, "We want to ensure that those most affected by I-66, the people who live near it, are consulted in the decision process....If something must be done about the traffic, we want all options explored, and the voice of Arlingtonians heard."

The Bluemont Executive Committee recently passed a resolution calling for a voice for Arlington residents in the I-66 plans. The Arlington County Civic Federation followed up with a similar resolution.

Governor James Gilmore and U.S. Representative Frank Wolf, whose district lies west of Arlington, have called for adding lanes to I-66 to relieve congestion. This would violate a 1977 compromise between the County and federal officials after vigorous opposition from County residents. The compromise, known as the Coleman decision for U.S. Secretary of Transportation William Coleman, restricted I-66 to four lanes in Arlington, with Metrorail in the median. The agreement also required HOV restrictions and a ban on trucks.

The idea of adding lanes to I-66 inside the beltway is not part of the most ambitious regional transportation plans, and may be costly and disruptive, with little lasting benefit. "The Coleman decision will be broken by adding lanes. No plans for I-66 should proceed until Arlington has its say and all alternatives are considered," added Hallinan. Over 500 Arlington homes were cleared to build I-66, which was completed in 1982.

Attendees at the first meeting of ACST quickly formed committees, sorted through strategy ideas, and appointed a steering committee. For more information, or to join ACST, call Rick Hodges at (703) 527-2824 or send an email to

BCA Calendar - Meetings & Events

  • GENERAL MEMBERSHIP: 4th Wednesday of the month; Multi-Purpose Room, Arlington Traditional School, 855 N. Edison Street (behind McDonald's).
  • EXECUTIVE BOARD: 2nd Tuesday of the month, Extended Day Room, Arlington Traditional School. All are welcome.
  • Schedule of upcoming meetings:
    • 11/23/99 7:00pm General Membership
    • 12/14/99 7:00pm Executive Board
    • 12/22/99 7:00pm General Membership
    • 1/11/00 7:00pm Executive Board
    • 1/26/00 7:00pm General Membership
  • MCKINLEY SCHOOL PTA FUND RAISER - Barnes & Noble night at 7 Corners, December 17. The PTA will be gift wrapping and the school chorus will sing. For more information, contact Harry McFarland at 528-1699 or

Next Meeting - Tuesday Nov 23rd, 7pm

Speaker: Marie Schum-Brady, MD
Topic: The Secret to Surviving the Flu Season

Marie Schum-Brady, MD, is a long-time Arlington resident with a general medicine practice at 2814 N Washington Boulevard in the Clarendon area. Her emphasis on preventive medicine. Dr Schum-Brady's goal is to promote wellness and self-care. Her approach uses nutrition, physical fitness, natural remedies when possible, prescription medicines when necessary, and interventions when needed. She will give you specific suggestions for keeping healthy this winter.

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Bluemont Civic Association
PO Box 5134
Arlington, Virginia 22205