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Medical Services
The closest hospital to Bluemont is Virginia Hospital
Center (formerly Arlington Hospital), located at 1701 N. George
Mason Drive, Arlington, VA 22205-3698; telephone: (703) 558-5000. The site
includes health information, health calculators, and a virtual tour.
County Services
The official Arlington County site.
Arlington County directory of links for new residents.
Arlington County's email subscription service for county news and alerts. cpe/maps/TopicsMaps.aspx
Need a map? This is the place to find Arlington County maps: Census, Parks, Natural Resources, Boundary/Zoning, Police Department, Schools, etc. Make your own, if none of the prepared ones suit your needs.
To report a non-emergency incident to the police, use the Arlington County Police Online Incident Report Form. Information provided is confidential. You may also call to make a report at (703) 228-4300. Call (703) 228-4252 to request the forms to report a motor vehicle accident.
(Call 911 in emergency situations such as burglary in progress, shootings, fires, traffic accidents with injuries, someone choking or having difficulty breathing, fighting or the display of weapons.) EnvironmentalServicesMain.aspx
Arlington's Department of Environmental Services site includes information on water, sewer, and refuse pick-up including schedules and billing. This is the place to go if you're interested in mulch, recycling, energy management, or disposal of hazardous waste.
Local Affairs
After you've joined us, check out the Civic Federation. The Civic Federation is comprised of members from other Arlington civic associations "whose primary object and principal work promotes safety, beautification, general welfare of its community, or the development of civic spirit, shall be considered a civic organization." It's mission is to "promote the general welfare of Arlington County and vicinity in a non partisan, non sectarian, non sectional, and non political manner." has information on economic and business development in Arlington. Curious about how business is going? Want to know what the developers have in mind? This is a place to start finding answers.
Transportation and DMV
DMV Drivers' license information and online transactions such as license
renewal, registration renewal, and license plate purchases.
Describes Telework!va Program, which provides incentives for northern Virginia businesses to establish or expand telework programs for employees.
Culture and History
The Arlington Arts web site maintains a calendar of cultural events in Arlington, and directories of evening clubs, organizations, facilities, and artists. This is the place to find out how to volunteer in the art scene and get information about Arlington's art incubator program. (Picture is of the pedestrian bridge crossing Wilson at Ballston Commons.
Artist: Julio Teich.)
The Arlington Historical Society supports research, and collects and preserves the local history of Arlington County. On their site, you will find many of the same links as are on the Bicentennial site (below) on the history and attractions of Arlington.
Link topics include Arlington History and Attractions, among others. Courtesy of the Arlington Bicentennial Celebration Task Force; Arlington's Bicentennial was in 2001.
Other sites with Arlington Links Arlington_County
Yahoo's directory for the Arlington region. includes Arlington topics under the DC metro area site.