N. Carlin Springs Road - Arlington Neighborhoods Program Project
Installation of intersection and traffic calming improvements on N Carlin Springs
Rd between N Galveston St and 2 nd St N/N Jefferson St.
The general interest survey is now complete. County staff will move forward with developing a concept design, after a survey of the area is complete.
Arlington County via the Arlington Neghborhoods Program have recently scoped N. Carlin Springs Road Safety improvements and as the project block captain I will be asking for signatures to gauge general interest in the project. Signatures are required only by property owners within the zone of potential improvements. If support from at least 60% of the affected property owners along the block on both sides of the street is shown through this petitioning process, County staff will move forward with developing a concept design.
Note that there is no cost to the individual property owner for this project.
If and once a concept design is developed, all affected
residents will have an
opportunity to review the design and vote on moving the project to the next step, which
is to seek a recommendation for funding through the Arlington Neighborhoods Program
Advisory Committee (ArNAC).
Block Captain Information:
Christopher George
N. Carlin Springs Road Task Force
Arlington Forest and Bluemont Resolution: Passed Joint Resolution
Objective: Provide a comprehensive data driven report to the BCA executive board and members with the recommendations of the task force
- Dedicated web page for all task force findings/information
- Engage the community through an online survey
- Present report with recommendations to the Bluemont Civic Assocation
- Engage DES and the county resource with recommendations
Goal: Maintain the safe and orderly flow of traffic while also improving pedestrian safety along N. Carlin Springs Road between the roughly .6 mile stretch
from N. Edison Street and N. Kensington Street (depicted by the dotted blue line in the below image)
November Presentation
December Resolution
Survey Results: We received nearly 100 reponses from Arlington Forest and Bluemont residents. This report gives the highlights from the survey responses.
N. Carlin Springs Road Profile (Based on the most recent studies avaliable from 2015)
- Traffic volume (week day): ~16,000
- 85 Percentile Speed : 39 mph
Traffic reports: Part A | Part B